Monday, January 17, 2011

"Oh My God We're Back Again"

Ok ignore the BSB title lol But I am, once again, and hopefully for the final time, Back again! I've been half assing it for awhile now but I have been all talk and no action. I didn't want to be one of those people who's new year's resolution is to lose weight. I feel that most times we fail at that so this year I decided that it's not a New Year's Resolution it's a New Life Resolution! This will be the beginning of a whole new life for me and my family. I want to be organized in all aspects of my life, I want to clutter gone and the head spinning to end. I have reorganized our living room which was overgrown with toys! Now they all have a neat and tidy home in their cube shelving and storage ottoman. Sure it's a disaster in the day but once she goes to bed I can have my living room back and in order!
There are no more excuses as to why my spare room is a junk room. Sure it contains all our office stuff, my Avon stuff, a spare bed and is now also a playroom, but with the right frame of mind and the will to make it work, it will. Yesterday I rearranged and reorganized the room and it's 95% done. Just a few little things to put into place and I will have a workspace where Rowyn can also play safely as I'm doing it!
Next up will be organizing Rowyn's room and making it stay that way. There is no need of her room being in the state it's in! She's only 13 months old and really only sleeps in there and it's a disaster! No need Kyla, No need.

I'm also committing to menu planning every week. I feel I will waste less of our precious pennies this way and it will also make staying OP easier. Getting to the gym will be a challenge however I will also plan that time into my day which leaves me no excuse.I will write my gym days on the calendar on the same night as menu planning. I can come up with many reasons, some feel very legit, as to why it's easier not to go to the gym. We only have one car, and DH has it most days. But on days where he's working a day shift he can take the bus in the am, I can go to the gym and pick him up after work. Goodlife has a daycare where Rowyn can go and there should end my list of excuses!

Now look how big my girlie has gotten since i've last updated!!This is at her 1st B-day Party in December!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Om nom nom!

The other day I decided to stuff a pita pocket with tuna mixed with ff mayo, celery and spices. I added 1/2 a slice of ff cheese and grilled it in 2tsp of oil and OMG delish! I was very excited about all of it I could check off my daily oils, a lean protein serving and whole grain and for me the more I can check off in my planner the happier I am about what I just ate! I just fed on to dear hubby and he loved it too!
For supper tonight I am making a yummy spinach salal with oranges, strawberries and feta cheese with a basamic dressing and I'm excited because it's amazing! It's nice to be excited about healthy eating again, it feels like it's been way too long :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I figured that since I'm struggling right now that I should try to plan my entire food for the day the night before. This is nothing I've ever done before, but now that Rowyn is so busy I just don't have time during the day to think which only leads to eating whatever I can. Or, I sit there while I'm eating and thinking about what I'll be eating next. It's part of my love affair with food, I'm always thinking about it which causes me to always want it! So here it goes!

B: 2c multigrain Cheerios w/ 1/2c skim milk

S: 1c grapes

L: Tuna w/2tbsp ff mayo on a pita grilled w/2tsp EVOO + spinach salad w/cucumber&tomato w/2tbsp low cal greek dressing

S:1c Garden Vegetable soup

D: 4oz "Speta" Chicken ( baked chicken breast stuffed with chopped spinach,reduced fat feta and greek dressing) with 1c whole grain rice and peas!

S: fudgesicle

Optional snack= 1 ww cupcake w/ 1c skim milk

For a total of 34 points! with a couple spares just in case!

SO lets see how this pre-planning this goes!

Monday, July 12, 2010

yes, long time no see!

I've been a slacker. I've basically stopped caring and starting gaining as duh, they go hand in hand! Especially when you still need to lose another 100lbs or so! I've been thinking a lot lately and trying to analyze why it is that I've pretty much stopped caring and starting eating crap and saying "yup, tomorrow..." it's always tomorrow!

I've learned what I've known all along. I associate working out with eating healthy and if I'm not doing one, I'm definitely not doing the other! I've tried doing the 30 at shred at home *too hot or don't make time*, I've bought an elliptical on Kijiji and it's in our bedroom *it's too hot in our room*, I've tried the C25K *fun until after a week I was laid up for 2 weeks bc of my knee*, I've tried walking 4-5k a day with Rowyn *walking is too boring*!! excuses all around! I just keep thinking that if I JUST could go to the gym in the time it took me to walk 5k I could have a great workout at the gym and burn 4x the calories and feel good about it!!

I miss the gym and *tada!* have learned that I just don't have the know-how or will power to work out at home. Therefore I think I'll have to put a hold on my WW membership and join the gym (can't afford both right now) I'll still track and start blogging being more active on the message boards again. Those things make a huge difference! It makes sure that my weight loss and need for support are constant in my thoughts :)

I'm 95% sure that's my decision and I'm 100% sure that I'm back!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

back in the game...

Well my knees are still messed up royally which beyond sucks! I haven't done any form of exercise in almost 2 weeks since I hurt them :( I want to go for walks even but I can't, I'm babysitting a toddler and don't (yet) have a double stroller and by the time he leaves to go home Missy is ready for bed. Unless Daddy is home then I can't go anywhere, and he's not home a lot in the evenings. Kris is gone away right now for work, something he hasn't done since he stopped working in Ft.Mac last January! It's a little lonely but he'll be home tomorrow!yay! It's way harder trying not to snack when he's gone, it feels like there's not much else to do in the evening when you're all alone!

I think tonight I'll make the WW Garden veg soup again! I made it for the first time last week and MAN! It's delicious and filling! I was thinking there was no way i'd be even remotely full off of one cup, but that and a nice salad is a perfect, super low point lunch! Well the little guy I babysit just left and my baby just went to bed so I should go finally put away the groceries I bought this afternoon and get the house cleaned! Man toddlers can destroy a house in no time lol

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ok seriously body? Not happy with you...

I have no idea WTF happened this week! I kept going with the C25K until Saturday when I destroyed my's Wednesday and I am still having a really hard time with it, it's still swollen...stupid knees. I haven't been good at tracking since returning to WW, but this week I tracked everything and never once went over my weekly points! yet somehow I GAINED 2.2 frigging pounds! Although (not using it as an excuse but just saying) that I normally WI in the am and weighed in after supper today. But I'll be doing my WI after supper from now on as I'm now babysitting an 19 month old in the daytime. So I'm hoping that with the WI switch and the fact my knee is still crazy swollen and I'm retaining water, that I'll have a good WI next week. I'm trying not to be discouraged and just take it as it comes, but there is always that fat girl brain that kicks in and tells you not to bother...Shut up fat girl! This sweet smile always is a good reminder to keep doing what i'm doing :D

Thursday, April 29, 2010


So somehow me challenging my father to loose weight with me became this huge weight loss challenge! There is between 5-7 people who hopped on board with this who heard through other people that my family was doing this! crazy! My sister and I thought it would be a good idea for everyone to put $1 for each pound they loose into a pot and the winner would take it all! My father then suggested that we should each start out with $10 in the pot to keep people motivated and add $1 for every pound above and beyond the $10 buy in!

I'm excited and it seems that everyone else is too! I'm at a point right now where I started the C25K to change up exercising and give me a boost (and to prove to some people that fat ppl can, in fact, run!) but I needed more motivation in the food aspect, I've been hardcore slacking! Needless to say with this much money on the line I'm all business lol