Well after all the crap I went through with my bile duct being blocked with a gall stone and getting that removed I started having gallbladder attacks again. Huge whomp whomp on that one! So I called the surgeon to see when I was on the list to get my gallbladder removed (which I was told I was on!) only to find out I'm not of the effin list at all! The women felt sorry for me I think and she's going to get me on the list ASAP and get me in. Then I had a massive attack which had me curled up on the floor bawling and sobbing. Poor hubby didn't know what to do with me! I couldn't stand up straight, I couldn't breath, it was horrible! Oh and did I mention this was 4 am this morning? bah So I'm back on a diet of cereal and toast pretty much...Maybe some salad. fruit and veggies at least but protein is risky...yum *eyeroll* I miss chicken all ready!
In WW related news i've decided to get my head out of my ass and stop feeling sorry for myself (for now at least.) I gained this week and I deserve ever ounce of it! I'm an emotional eater and i've been eating like a mad women, not to mention I've had two TOM's this month (while still nursing!)? wtf body? Not that they were to the usual degree but it was enough to have me being psycho to my hubby and wanting to eat everything that's bad! But today is a new day, and this week the plan is to focus on tracking again, drinking my water and just having even a little self control lol
And of course the pictures of Rowyn are just because she's too darn cute!
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