I've been a major slacker when it comes to the blog, it's hard to find a minute or two where Rowyn will actually sleep during the day if I put her down! She's asleep in her swing right now and I've already cut up all my fruit to save time for the week, and cleaned up the kitchen a little. She's like a ticking time bomb, you never know when she's going to wake up!
This week I feel like i've been off point almost everyday! Well maybe not really off point but off plan at least...it's hard to be off point when you have 45 points to deal with! On Wednesday Kris and I went out to eat, for the first time in..oh...6-7 months! Rowyn slept the entire time in her carseat, I just had to keep rocking it lol. Anyway I wanted fries very badly so I caved and got them, but I got a chicken wrap with tzatziki sauce so I didn't feel too horribly about it.
Overall I just feel that I've eaten a lot this week and I think the fact that I'm not exercising is getting to me. Before I got pregnant I was at the gym 3-5 times a week most weeks, now I'm not doing much. I know I've said it before but it's a big hurdle for me I guess...I am going to aquasize tonight though, and possibly on Wednesday depending on the baby, but I'm getting better at leaving her with her Daddy for a couple hours. And once our mild weather comes back and this newest batch of snow is mostly off the roads i'd like to get back out with the stroller and walk the block a bit(see picture lol). I've learned through good ol Google Maps that it's about .6km around the block, so at least i can have an idea of how far I walk now!
Now I'm off to see if I can get last nights supper dishes done, and get some prep for tonight's supper started before my LoveBug wakes up. On tonight's menu is boneless, skinless chicken breast stuffed with chopped spinach, light feta cheese and covered with light greek dressing *drool* It's probably my favorite meal ever! Oh and the new WW chocolate smoothies are a lifesaver!! Gotta love things you can make while holding a baby!
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