Sunday, April 5, 2009

Old vs. New

I've been trying to stay positive this week but I am having a hard go of it right now. I think the majority of it is the fact that I havn't worked out becasue of my knee. I hate feeling laid up and have been eating like a mad women which in turn is making me feel worse. In on part of my head is the smart girl who's determined to change her life, who knows what it'll take and is willing to change and stick it out. Then there is the old me, the one who doesn't think she can do this, who feels unable, unwilling and alone in her personal struggle to lose this weight. My husband is normally good but he's been umemployed for over 10 weeks now so he's hot and cold with his moods and it gets hard sometimes to manage both of our mood swings lol. I understand how he's feeling but there is nothing I can do to help which I think is why it bothers me so much. When his mood swings affect me, I want to eat. And this week the old me is winning over the new me.

My knee is still pretty messed up, but I am dragging my sorry ass to the gym today. I need to. I have to get out of this house and feel active! I'll take it easy but I need to go. I just hope I don't do more damage while i'm at it. It's time for me to get out of this funk and tell the old me to eff off :P


verydeterminedin2010 said...

Hey Kyla,

Please don't think that you are alone in your weight loss, as you are most definitely not. I know exactly how you are feeling right now, in respect to the 'eating like a mad woman thing' this week. It's hard when you have an injury, but right now it is hard living with someone who has been laid off. I am trying to stay positive, but emotions can get the better of us at times. I have been laid off and my room mate is also worried about her job, which has meant that at times there have been moods and moments of different emotions, i.e. positivity, to sadness, to irritability, to worry, to hope, and back again lol. As an emotional eater it has caused me to really want to eat all the bad stuff, which has made the last 2-3 weeks a bit of a battle. This weekend has certainly not been great for me lol. We just have to stay positive though, and just keep trying.

I worry that I won't be able to lose the weight at times, but I honestly think that we can both do it if we just keep on trying, and take the good weeks with the bad. In the end we will win! If you ever need some extra support just let me know, as I really think any support it helpful. YOU CAN DO THIS!

Sorry this is sooo long lol :)

verydeterminedin2010 said...

I really hope that your knee gets better soon too. Is there anything that can be done to help, like physio or something like that?

~Kyla~Kytastic~ said...

Thank you so much for this. I needed to hear eveything you said from someone whos fighting the same battle, it's not always the same coming from someone whos never had a weight issue.

Today is a new day, and you're right...we can do this :)

CDNSK2006 said...

I would say that try and convince yourself that the "new" you has to stay in control. You need to be strong for your husband.

Try and use that as the inspiration to not go down the old ways. The payoff is that you won't be making 2 wrongs, and therefore you will only have to deal with your husband.

Stay strong and I hope everything works out for your dh in the near future.
