So another fairly decent day! Rowyn and I went for another walk today, about 3km or so, it was about 10 degrees! Beautiful! I also broke out the pedometer today because in the new WWM it talks about people loosing more when using one! I had 7287 steps today! and I didn't have it on all morning while I was cleaning and doing laundry, yay! They say that 1320 steps equals a kilometer so that's about 5 1/2 kms! I tracked everything except supper...we had macaroni and I was too lazy to add everything up, but I had a boatload of points left for the day.
I got Rowyn's cloth diapers and liners all washed today so i'm hoping to start her (mostly us really) slowly on them...There are two main reasons I can't go 100% cloth just yet. #1 being we have quite a few disposables left that people have given us and don't really want to waste them. #2,the main reason, is that we don't have enough liners yet. I'm mostly using AMP and Applecheeks bamboo liners but they are expensive! My MIL got me 6 diapers on line and they each came with 1 microfiber liner so I have those as well. I hope that those covers are decent, I can't really find any reviews on them, they are some brand I've never heard of that came from China I think. I'm excited to get going on them. Nothing like a cute little bum in a cloth diaper!
And i'm off to make some no fat chocolate pudding! MMMmmmm
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