So I decided to go to Miramichi (my hometown) five days before we planned on it, to spend time with my sister and stuff. When we just come for the weekend we are bombarded with people that want us to visit and want to see R that it's too crazy! Espically on holiday weekends when there are more than one holiday dinner involved. That means one whole day with his family, and one with mine and it's too much on the baby, who likes her nice calm schedule we have at home. Anyway the point is, I had very little time to plan to come here, and this is the place I have the hardest time being OP. My sister went out the day before I got here and got lots of good food and stuff because she knows it's hard for me here, and I got a few more essentials today, so I'm feeling strong and knowing I can do this. I'll do my Wi here as well, which is keeping me OP knowing that I still have a WI even, if it's not in my normal meeting room.
I'll be eating lots of salad and veggies with my Easter dinners this time, and my sister and I are making WW cupcakes and brownies tomorrow so i'll have desert planned and decided upon! the best part is no one will no how low cal they are! I'm drinking all my water and then some because my sister has a water machine which I love! I wish we had one...we got one once but couldn't make it not taste like plastic, gross.
Anyway I'm feeling in control of this visit, and in control of myself. I need to loose this weight and I can't do it if I have to be in a certian home to stay on track.