so I suck at WW right now... I didn't even go to my WI this week and it's my first week back!! I'm so angry at myself right now! Things were going well then my sister "stole" me and the baby and took us to her house for a few days! Her house is my weakness and it normally sucks to go there (food wise only) but to go there in my first week back totally de-railed this train! It's usually hard to stay OP when I'm back on track but I think going there this early back in the game was a bad choice...but I'm glad I went in regards that I was super lonely and I love being with my sister and her family
Then yesterday I convinced myself I don't suck and that I can do this...then DH comes home with a slice of PIzza! are you kidding me?He meant well because it was 1:00 in the afternoon and I hadn't had a chance to eat yet. He knew if he didn't feed me I probably wouldn't have time to eat. Well I paid for that pizza in more ways than one! Not only and I mad at myself for eating it, I ended up with a massive headache and a baby who is so fussy from the spices in the pizza! Seriously, the kid never cries and she screamed for hours (including through her 1 month pictures at Wal-Mart!) Not to mention I'm so tired!! She's usually really good at night, she wakes up, I feed her and she goes right back to sleep...last night, not so much! She was awake for almost 4 hours! So I learned my lesson the hard way! At least she'll help me stay OP and DH promised to never buy me pizza again lol
Today is a new day and after I nap at some point (lol) i'm determined to get out for a walk. It'll be a short one but it'll also be better than no walk at all!
1 comment:
Great job. Don't beat yourself up too much. My little one is 3 months tomorrow and it's really hard. My husband fed me for the first month because there were days he came home at 6pm and I had eaten a glass of water and nothing else. Now he brings me breakfast Monday-Friday before he leaves for work so at least he knows I'm having one meal.
Enjoy your time with your little one and remember that nursing sucks a lot of fat out of you. I didn't stop losing weight until Lillian was 6 or 8 weeks old thanks to the magic of nursing. So try to spend time with your baby, eat healthy and for now if someone wants to feed you, say thank you and eat it!
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